
"Our mission is to enhacnce the user experience in integrating devices to everyday life"

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App - 20231006
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About SmaC

You Can Use Smac App in your Browser (or) Android App.

For more info click here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Smac App free to use ?
smac is absolutely free to use.
Is Smac App relevant to me ?
Please refer the smac sample applications to see if its relevant to your lifestyle
How secure is the data collected from the device
The collected device information is kept confidential unless the user wishes to share . we dont share any information to thirdparty or other users
Having issues with smac webapp . How to resolve ?
For all the known issues, resolutions can be found in the this link. if the issue is not addressed above, you can write to us.
Having issues with smac Android app . How to be resolve ?
For all the known issues, resolutions can be found in the this link. if the issue is not addressed above, you can write to us.
How frequently the software gets updated?
we would like to keep the updates very minimal. on a average once in few months for any known issue.

Contact us
